Thursday, January 15, 2009

Snow Fun!

Saturday we packed up the kids and headed up north to find the snow. We had to make a few more stops than we would have liked, but it seems that with 4 kids someone is always hungry. :) As we got closer we started seeing little patches of snow on the side of the road. Jesse was so little last time we saw snow that I don't think he remembered, so he was very excited to see the snow patches. The first one he saw he yelled out "We're here!". And then, he wanted Pete to pull over right then and there. Eventually we made it to the real snow and found a post to sled. Sam and I stayed in the car - thank goodness for super zoom lenses! haha Taylor and Jesse were together the whole time sledding and PJ, our social child, ventured out on his own and did a little body sledding (?) with some other kids. They all had a great time - I told Sam she'd have a better time next year. :) As expected, after sledding we heard "I'm hungry" times 3. So, we grabbed a quick bite and then headed back down the hill home. Turns out it took us 12 hours to have our fun in the snow. We left our house at 10am and got home at 10pm. But, it was worth it, we all had a good time. Pete and I laughed the entire trip. My favorite outtake...
Jesse: PJ, pass me a granola bar
PJ: There aren't any
Pete: But, I packed 4
PJ: I just ate 3
Lesson learned: Don't let PJ sit by the food

1 comment:

Jen said...

The pictures are great Steph! So fun!